Price list
Professional dental cleaning (scaling, sandblasting, fluoridation, guidance)
350 PLN -
oral hygiene with local anesthetics
400 PLN -
Contact Fluoridation (Teeth Varnishing)
200 PLN -
Sealing crevices in permanent teeth ( 1 tooth )
200 PLN -
Elimination of cervical hypersensitivity (1 tooth)
250 PLN
Teeth whitening (Philips Zoom Lamp)
1500- 1800 PLN -
Teeth whitening with the use of trays (home method)
800 PLN
Dental check-up
100 PLN -
Filling cavity (temporary)
200 PLN -
Filling cavity (composite, permanent)
200-350 PLN -
Porcelain inlay
1500 PLN -
Tooth Restoration (composite)
350-400 PLN -
Fibre glass post
650 PLN -
Composite veneer
500- 900 PLN
Adaptation appointment
100 PLN -
Sealing crevices in permanent teeth ( 1 tooth )
200 PLN -
Devitalization of milk tooth
200 PLN -
Composite filling of milk tooth
180-200 PLN -
Tooth treatment with mortal amputation method + filling
400 PLN -
Extraction of milk tooth
150- 200 PLN -
Endodontic treatment of permanent teeth with unformed roots
1500- 2000 PLN
Evaluation of the tooth using a microscope
300 PLN -
Root canal treatment (1 canal)
600 PLN -
Root canal treatment (2 canals)
900 PLN -
Root canal treatment (3 canals)
1500 PLN -
Root canal treatment (4 canals)
1800 PLN -
Root canal re-treatment (1 canal)
valuation in the office -
Pulp Devitalization
200 PLN -
Post removal
300 PLN -
Broken tool removal
600 PLN -
Clearing obliterated canal under microscope
500 PLN -
Temporary filling of canal
100 PLN -
Coverage perforation MTA
300 PLN
Curettage with local anesthetics (1 tooth)
100 PLN -
Closed curettage (1 arch)
500 PLN -
Teeth splinting (1 tooth)
100 PLN -
Irrigation of teeth sockets with a medicine
100 PLN
Prosthetic consultation with treatment plan/ with impressions
200 PLN/ 250 PLN -
Full ceramic crown or on zirconium oxide (front tooth)
2500 PLN -
Crown on zirconium oxide or golden alloy (side tooth)
2200 PLN -
Porcelain veneer
2500 PLN -
Telescope crown
2000 PLN -
Crown on implant
3500 PLN -
Full denture
3000 PLN -
Denture on telescopes
4000 PLN -
Porcelain bridge on zirconium oxide (own tooth- 1 point)
2200 PLN -
Combined post
700 PLN -
Metal post
600 PLN -
Temporary crown (made in lab)
500 PLN
200 PLN -
Consultation with impressions
250 PLN -
Metal permanent brace- 1 arch
2700 PLN -
Ceramic permanent brace, safire- 1 arch
3200 PLN -
Permanent brace Damon's type, self- ligature- 1 arch
4200 PLN -
Check-up of permanent brace
200- 250 PLN -
Removable orthodontic appliance
1000- 1500 PLN -
Retainer (1 arch)
500 PLN -
Removal of permanent braces (with retainer)
1600 PLN -
Clear Aligner (set)
1200 PLN
Surgical consultation
200 PLN -
Tooth, root extraction
400- 600 PLN -
Extraction of impacted wisdom tooth
800- 1500 PLN -
Apex resection
1200- 1500 PLN -
Treatment of dry and infected socket
100 PLN -
Sinus lift (open/ closed)
3000/ 6000 PLN -
Insertion of implant
3500 PLN -
Exposure of the implant
200 PLN -
Frenulum plasty
600 PLN -
Operculum plasty
200 PLN -
Surgical lengthening of tooth clinical crown
600 PLN -
Taking material for histopathological test
500 PLN
Panoramic x-ray photo
100 PLN -
X-ray photo of teeth
30 PLN -
CT (3D): - One part 350 PLN
350 PLN -
CT (3D): - Lower or upper jaw
450 PLN -
CT (3D): - Lower and upper jaw
600 PLN